all postcodes in M5 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M5 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M5 5DP 0 53.48092 -2.302941
M5 5DQ 7 53.480896 -2.305156
M5 5DY 0 53.48182 -2.302526
M5 5DZ 0 53.481119 -2.302521
M5 5ED 1 53.481941 -2.304003
M5 5EE 0 53.482716 -2.307068
M5 5EG 1 53.484522 -2.310591
M5 5ER 0 53.485184 -2.311953
M5 5ES 0 53.485545 -2.311549
M5 5ET 0 53.485691 -2.310781
M5 5EU 0 53.486515 -2.311692
M5 5EY 2 53.485768 -2.311746
M5 5EZ 0 53.488199 -2.306927
M5 5FD 0 53.482628 -2.306419
M5 5FJ 0 53.485611 -2.303216
M5 5FL 0 53.48583 -2.305704
M5 5FN 0 53.48425 -2.311584
M5 5FP 0 53.485633 -2.30516
M5 5FR 0 53.484773 -2.310971
M5 5FS 0 53.485681 -2.311158