all postcodes in M50 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M50 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M50 3XP 16 14 53.466921 -2.286226
M50 3XQ 34 0 53.468373 -2.287863
M50 3XR 24 1 53.469223 -2.285971
M50 3XT 67 0 53.472227 -2.288868
M50 3XU 14 0 53.472246 -2.288145
M50 3XW 13 13 53.469519 -2.289573
M50 3XZ 8 6 53.472968 -2.282982
M50 3YB 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3YD 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3YE 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3YH 80 0 53.473065 -2.287835
M50 3YJ 1 1 53.47404 -2.286319
M50 3YY 1 1 53.481217 -2.28043
M50 3ZB 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3ZE 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3ZN 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3ZP 1 1 53.474728 -2.28432
M50 3ZS 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3ZT 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M50 3ZW 1 1 53.470355 -2.293058