all postcodes in M5 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M5 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M5 0NN 1 1 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 0NP 1 0 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 0NQ 1 1 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 0NR 1 0 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 0NT 0 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 0NU 0 53.481217 -2.28043
M5 3AA 3 0 53.475455 -2.280845
M5 3AB 9 0 53.475617 -2.280786
M5 3AE 7 0 53.476414 -2.282192
M5 3AF 9 0 53.476379 -2.281514
M5 3AG 27 0 53.476122 -2.280156
M5 3AH 31 0 53.476865 -2.281216
M5 3AN 1 1 53.46945 -2.27737
M5 3AP 10 0 53.477153 -2.281368
M5 3AQ 8 0 53.477286 -2.282002
M5 3AT 1 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M5 3AU 9 0 53.477337 -2.279426
M5 3AW 8 8 53.469761 -2.282555
M5 3AX 9 0 53.477829 -2.280619
M5 3AY 19 0 53.477372 -2.279893