all postcodes in M6 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M6 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M6 5GZ 0 53.483321 -2.302551
M6 5HG 3 53.488129 -2.288208
M6 5HH 0 53.48992 -2.283683
M6 5HJ 0 53.489664 -2.296357
M6 5HL 0 53.488349 -2.282904
M6 5HP 0 53.487719 -2.283232
M6 5HR 4 53.48938 -2.287493
M6 5HS 2 53.489164 -2.287944
M6 5HT 10 53.488741 -2.28779
M6 5HU 8 53.489282 -2.287116
M6 5HW 6 53.488444 -2.28815
M6 5JA 18 53.488879 -2.28663
M6 5JE 3 53.487117 -2.290627
M6 5JF 0 53.48752 -2.291052
M6 5JN 0 53.486302 -2.289281
M6 5JS 1 53.489139 -2.286753
M6 5JT 0 53.488062 -2.28985
M6 5JY 0 53.488172 -2.292925
M6 5JZ 1 53.487518 -2.291776
M6 5LA 0 53.486297 -2.291481