all postcodes in M6 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M6 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M6 8DQ 0 53.486432 -2.312761
M6 8DR 0 53.487618 -2.316085
M6 8DS 0 53.487828 -2.314791
M6 8DT 0 53.487355 -2.313567
M6 8DU 0 53.488502 -2.315097
M6 8DW 0 53.485282 -2.312451
M6 8DX 0 53.485946 -2.312999
M6 8DY 0 53.487447 -2.31301
M6 8DZ 0 53.485919 -2.312983
M6 8EB 0 53.493131 -2.301008
M6 8ED 0 53.49369 -2.324602
M6 8EE 0 53.493202 -2.325336
M6 8EF 0 53.493153 -2.327039
M6 8EH 0 53.490409 -2.321035
M6 8EJ 1 53.488654 -2.318821
M6 8EL 0 53.490622 -2.322242
M6 8EN 0 53.487701 -2.318633
M6 8EP 0 53.493268 -2.300135
M6 8EQ 0 53.488345 -2.319874
M6 8ES 1 53.489634 -2.325189