all postcodes in M61 / MANCHESTER

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M61 0JH 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0JQ 1 53.487378 -2.227209
M61 0JU 1 0 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0JW 1 0 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0JX 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0LB 1 1 53.487378 -2.227209
M61 0LE 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0LS 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0LU 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0LW 0 53.487378 -2.227209
M61 0LY 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0ND 1 0 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0NE 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0NF 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0NH 1 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0NL 1 53.487362 -2.227212
M61 0SF 1 1 53.479274 -2.244557
M61 0SG 1 1 53.479274 -2.244557
M61 0SH 1 1 53.479274 -2.244557
M61 0SJ 1 1 53.479274 -2.244557