all postcodes in M6 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M6 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M6 5DU 0 53.48713 -2.292376
M6 5DW 0 53.48679 -2.291981
M6 5DZ 1 53.48711 -2.293521
M6 5EH 1 53.489714 -2.287224
M6 5EJ 4 53.487813 -2.281333
M6 5EL 0 53.485717 -2.278064
M6 5EN 1 53.486569 -2.27908
M6 5EQ 1 53.487107 -2.279415
M6 5ER 0 53.487157 -2.285097
M6 5ES 0 53.487439 -2.283486
M6 5EU 0 53.48853 -2.282031
M6 5EW 0 53.486569 -2.27908
M6 5EY 0 53.485439 -2.292785
M6 5FA 0 53.486029 -2.286898
M6 5FB 0 53.486179 -2.288134
M6 5FD 5 53.488788 -2.287127
M6 5FE 1 53.4812 -2.280431
M6 5FG 0 53.487939 -2.285162
M6 5FJ 0 53.488965 -2.28437
M6 5FL 0 53.485717 -2.278064