all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 3RX 2 0 53.502205 -2.279949
M7 3RY 4 0 53.505296 -2.277243
M7 3RZ 14 0 53.504511 -2.278715
M7 3SA 2 0 53.502594 -2.278987
M7 3SB 1 0 53.502704 -2.278658
M7 3SD 1 1 53.501202 -2.27901
M7 3SE 3 2 53.502274 -2.278113
M7 3SF 10 0 53.50423 -2.279603
M7 3SG 6 0 53.505509 -2.278496
M7 3SL 3 0 53.512993 -2.275512
M7 3ST 80 0 53.509403 -2.277481
M7 3TA 19 6 53.503968 -2.280008
M7 3TB 19 0 53.503179 -2.279129
M7 3TD 42 0 53.50298 -2.27973
M7 3TE 42 0 53.502836 -2.280001
M7 3TF 44 0 53.501812 -2.279542
M7 3TG 25 0 53.505214 -2.277589
M7 3TH 53 0 53.502002 -2.278925
M7 3TJ 28 0 53.502048 -2.278593
M7 3TL 7 5 53.501141 -2.278331