all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 4NQ 21 0 53.517352 -2.264231
M7 4NR 3 0 53.512467 -2.266447
M7 4NS 4 0 53.514612 -2.267501
M7 4NT 8 1 53.512137 -2.265254
M7 4NU 5 2 53.513959 -2.266321
M7 4NW 16 0 53.51595 -2.268143
M7 4PE 30 0 53.508918 -2.257363
M7 4PF 2 2 53.512967 -2.246105
M7 4PH 6 0 53.512469 -2.248819
M7 4PJ 6 0 53.51279 -2.262363
M7 4PL 12 0 53.513433 -2.247498
M7 4PN 12 0 53.512865 -2.24855
M7 4PP 54 0 53.512157 -2.247189
M7 4PQ 18 0 53.511748 -2.24978
M7 4PX 18 2 53.514359 -2.247609
M7 4PY 7 0 53.516894 -2.255647
M7 4PZ 8 0 53.517458 -2.256706
M7 4QD 36 0 53.512857 -2.247691
M7 4QE 25 0 53.510888 -2.247981
M7 4QF 10 0 53.510479 -2.25012