all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 2JH 14 0 53.498923 -2.268968
M7 2JJ 8 0 53.498719 -2.268366
M7 2JL 17 0 53.497284 -2.26703
M7 2JN 27 0 53.498631 -2.267521
M7 2JP 13 0 53.498047 -2.267397
M7 2JQ 10 0 53.498927 -2.26787
M7 2JR 12 2 53.501021 -2.267702
M7 2JS 11 2 53.496337 -2.267655
M7 2JT 15 3 53.496535 -2.268232
M7 2JU 7 0 53.496678 -2.268594
M7 2JW 14 1 53.498874 -2.267267
M7 2JX 13 1 53.497219 -2.268025
M7 2JY 9 0 53.497486 -2.269067
M7 2JZ 7 0 53.497988 -2.269598
M7 2LA 5 1 53.498294 -2.269268
M7 2LD 4 0 53.496999 -2.26876
M7 2LE 5 0 53.497101 -2.268567
M7 2LF 9 0 53.497234 -2.268975
M7 2LG 9 0 53.497224 -2.269412
M7 2LH 26 11 53.498293 -2.269916