all postcodes in M7 / SALFORD

find any address or company within the M7 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M7 1WY 28 0 53.491021 -2.265921
M7 1WZ 26 0 53.492082 -2.266003
M7 1XA 20 0 53.496888 -2.258903
M7 1XB 17 1 53.496872 -2.258179
M7 1XU 39 0 53.498083 -2.259091
M7 1XY 46 0 53.496485 -2.258539
M7 1YD 28 0 53.496379 -2.257438
M7 1YE 1 1 53.497255 -2.25574
M7 1ZD 4 2 53.496292 -2.256096
M7 1ZQ 5 1 53.498154 -2.25968
M7 1PY 10 0 53.492033 -2.267902
M7 1RN 0 53.495684 -2.258956
M7 1TJ 1 53.491129 -2.25674
M7 1ZT 68 0 53.497716 -2.262767
M7 1NQ 37 0 53.496804 -2.260591
M7 1NX 11 0 53.497135 -2.26103
M7 1UN 1 53.495196 -2.258935
M7 1ZN 0 53.498792 -2.259744
M7 1UD 1 53.496137 -2.261099
M7 1UZ 0 53.496279 -2.261884