all postcodes in M8 / SALFORD

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M8 9BD 13 0 53.505078 -2.245263
M8 9BE 4 0 53.502218 -2.246091
M8 9BF 2 0 53.502083 -2.245469
M8 9BG 14 0 53.504187 -2.246102
M8 9BH 19 0 53.502616 -2.244947
M8 9BL 6 0 53.502912 -2.245447
M8 9BP 30 0 53.502587 -2.246214
M8 9BQ 3 0 53.502715 -2.245159
M8 9BR 22 0 53.503198 -2.245946
M8 9BS 4 0 53.503703 -2.245376
M8 9BT 7 0 53.504587 -2.243722
M8 9BU 6 0 53.503639 -2.245707
M8 9BW 11 0 53.50357 -2.244486
M8 9BX 11 0 53.503749 -2.244818
M8 9BY 2 0 53.504025 -2.24533
M8 9BZ 11 0 53.503668 -2.245089
M8 9DA 1 1 53.504694 -2.24416
M8 9DB 4 0 53.504539 -2.245366
M8 9DD 5 1 53.504442 -2.244596
M8 9DE 4 0 53.504334 -2.244384