all postcodes in M9 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M9 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M9 4GT 9 0 53.511303 -2.204751
M9 4GU 7 0 53.511538 -2.203953
M9 4GX 10 0 53.511257 -2.205113
M9 4GZ 8 0 53.508086 -2.204434
M9 4HA 25 0 53.515154 -2.202206
M9 4HD 13 0 53.514275 -2.201403
M9 4HE 11 6 53.513766 -2.20366
M9 4HF 1 0 53.513336 -2.203766
M9 4HG 7 0 53.514669 -2.201857
M9 4HH 1 1 53.5135 -2.202515
M9 4HJ 7 0 53.515352 -2.202056
M9 4HL 12 0 53.514166 -2.20202
M9 4HN 6 0 53.512565 -2.207803
M9 4HP 4 0 53.511596 -2.206969
M9 4HQ 3 0 53.511757 -2.207015
M9 4HR 10 2 53.513589 -2.20805
M9 4HS 4 0 53.51237 -2.206325
M9 4HT 5 0 53.512352 -2.205963
M9 4HU 8 1 53.51322 -2.207111
M9 4HW 12 0 53.512198 -2.207002