all postcodes in M90 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M90 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M90 3FH 4 4 53.361932 -2.271878
M90 3DN 0 53.366134 -2.274144
M90 3AH 1 0 53.366152 -2.274144
M90 4AF 6 2 53.367021 -2.279064
M90 4AG 1 0 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4AL 1 1 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4AN 1 1 53.371366 -2.273771
M90 4AS 2 1 53.367021 -2.279064
M90 4AX 14 4 53.367021 -2.279064
M90 4EG 1 1 53.370968 -2.274746
M90 4HL 1 1 53.364993 -2.269718
M90 4PY 1 1 53.367053 -2.279949
M90 4QG 1 1 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4QX 15 6 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4SA 1 1 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4TU 3 0 53.367021 -2.279064
M90 4WP 1 1 53.366439 -2.270584
M90 4ZY 1 1 53.366693 -2.27658
M90 4BS 5 5 53.367037 -2.27995
M90 4AB 8 53.371565 -2.273202