all postcodes in M9 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M9 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M9 0LR 8 2 53.534373 -2.221398
M9 0NA 31 0 53.533704 -2.218785
M9 0NB 25 0 53.533204 -2.222116
M9 0ND 4 0 53.533349 -2.221106
M9 0NE 2 0 53.533544 -2.226235
M9 0NF 4 0 53.533727 -2.225861
M9 0NG 15 4 53.53278 -2.227666
M9 0NH 10 0 53.534345 -2.227131
M9 0NJ 6 0 53.534208 -2.227991
M9 0NL 11 0 53.533725 -2.226962
M9 0NN 12 0 53.533886 -2.227295
M9 0NP 12 0 53.534852 -2.229669
M9 0NQ 71 0 53.533829 -2.228607
M9 0NR 12 0 53.534842 -2.230227
M9 0NS 11 0 53.533397 -2.228892
M9 0NT 3 0 53.533318 -2.228333
M9 0NU 2 0 53.537183 -2.231973
M9 0NW 21 0 53.534955 -2.227723
M9 0NX 9 0 53.537453 -2.232746
M9 0NY 7 0 53.537803 -2.232944