all postcodes in ML1 / MOTHERWELL

find any address or company within the ML1 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML1 2BN 7 0 55.778042 -3.972437
ML1 2BP 13 0 55.776339 -3.973307
ML1 2BQ 8 0 55.780902 -3.969488
ML1 2BS 35 0 55.775476 -3.973312
ML1 2BT 31 0 55.775602 -3.974434
ML1 2BU 5 0 55.777433 -3.973458
ML1 2BW 21 0 55.777268 -3.973099
ML1 2BX 33 0 55.778727 -3.974576
ML1 2BY 6 0 55.779614 -3.976423
ML1 2DA 27 0 55.779853 -3.977775
ML1 2DE 48 0 55.773046 -3.968486
ML1 2DF 1 1 55.772418 -3.983273
ML1 2DG 1 1 55.777046 -3.976261
ML1 2DL 2 1 55.776901 -3.974475
ML1 2DN 34 2 55.779821 -3.969656
ML1 2DP 47 0 55.771278 -3.967201
ML1 2DQ 26 0 55.780381 -3.969509
ML1 2DR 15 0 55.770494 -3.967368
ML1 2DS 68 0 55.779286 -3.993389
ML1 2DT 8 0 55.780896 -3.968754