all postcodes in ML1 / MOTHERWELL

find any address or company within the ML1 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML1 9UL 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9UT 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9UU 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9UZ 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WA 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WD 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WE 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WF 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WG 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WP 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9WS 1 55.783837 -3.982602
ML1 9BA 0 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 9DB 1 55.793564 -3.994939
ML1 9DP 1 55.793564 -3.994939
ML1 9DS 1 1 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 9DU 1 1 55.793564 -3.994939
ML1 9DW 1 1 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 9DX 1 1 55.793564 -3.994939
ML1 9DY 1 0 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 9DZ 1 0 55.793568 -3.994949