all postcodes in ML10 / STRATHAVEN

find any address or company within the ML10 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML10 6LQ 22 0 55.679703 -4.054108
ML10 6LR 8 0 55.68065 -4.057641
ML10 6LS 5 0 55.682698 -4.062693
ML10 6LT 37 19 55.677444 -4.066618
ML10 6LU 37 10 55.678532 -4.066023
ML10 6LW 8 0 55.675303 -4.067934
ML10 6LX 69 1 55.679664 -4.064061
ML10 6LY 34 0 55.678654 -4.063721
ML10 6LZ 52 2 55.679937 -4.06759
ML10 6NA 12 0 55.679021 -4.066892
ML10 6NB 12 2 55.679518 -4.067934
ML10 6ND 24 0 55.680439 -4.06609
ML10 6NE 32 0 55.681455 -4.067145
ML10 6NF 40 0 55.682139 -4.068661
ML10 6NG 14 0 55.681877 -4.067708
ML10 6NH 50 0 55.681538 -4.065909
ML10 6NJ 4 0 55.683843 -4.068353
ML10 6NL 16 1 55.685644 -4.069721
ML10 6NN 4 0 55.684351 -4.070225
ML10 6NP 5 0 55.683854 -4.062325