all postcodes in ML2 / WISHAW

find any address or company within the ML2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML2 7ND 29 1 55.775875 -3.923574
ML2 7NE 46 10 55.775832 -3.924592
ML2 7NG 38 13 55.776456 -3.926276
ML2 7NL 28 3 55.777758 -3.926914
ML2 7NN 4 0 55.77814 -3.92604
ML2 7NP 36 0 55.779851 -3.927528
ML2 7NR 46 1 55.775059 -3.92997
ML2 7NT 18 0 55.774973 -3.929152
ML2 7NU 33 1 55.774312 -3.93006
ML2 7NW 6 0 55.780673 -3.928972
ML2 7NX 12 8 55.774433 -3.928631
ML2 7NY 10 4 55.775673 -3.926923
ML2 7NZ 6 2 55.776519 -3.927427
ML2 7PD 38 0 55.776688 -3.929779
ML2 7PE 3 0 55.785981 -3.93606
ML2 7PG 14 5 55.776401 -3.928617
ML2 7PH 24 1 55.776752 -3.930293
ML2 7PJ 8 2 55.776968 -3.928954
ML2 7PL 24 2 55.777425 -3.928094
ML2 7PN 36 0 55.77836 -3.932621