all postcodes in ML2 / WISHAW

find any address or company within the ML2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML2 0XX 1 1 55.773369 -3.950501
ML2 0YP 1 1 55.772547 -3.948483
ML2 0YY 1 1 55.772547 -3.948483
ML2 0PS 0 55.764161 -3.935488
ML2 0PT 0 55.764544 -3.935141
ML2 0NN 0 55.771776 -3.938688
ML2 0NG 0 55.772413 -3.937029
ML2 0JE 0 55.767659 -3.931358
ML2 0PX 0 55.764593 -3.936004
ML2 0DZ 0 55.773021 -3.937267
ML2 0NH 0 55.772202 -3.942424
ML2 0SB 0 55.758051 -3.922213
ML2 0LD 3 0 55.760347 -3.924286
ML2 0LB 1 1 55.757439 -3.916913
ML2 2AB 0 55.772544 -3.948473
ML2 2AE 1 1 55.772547 -3.948483
ML2 2AL 0 55.772544 -3.948473
ML2 2AN 1 55.772544 -3.948473
ML2 7AB 21 16 55.774375 -3.920662
ML2 7AE 29 0 55.77278 -3.925712