all postcodes in ML2 / WISHAW

find any address or company within the ML2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML2 7BX 24 0 55.771877 -3.924854
ML2 7BZ 25 1 55.777092 -3.912036
ML2 7DB 12 0 55.784705 -3.915392
ML2 7DD 16 0 55.777204 -3.908853
ML2 7DE 17 0 55.778468 -3.907878
ML2 7DF 20 0 55.779442 -3.909967
ML2 7DG 14 0 55.781056 -3.91196
ML2 7DH 23 0 55.779908 -3.912382
ML2 7DJ 14 0 55.780676 -3.912132
ML2 7DL 36 0 55.779181 -3.911182
ML2 7DN 28 0 55.779216 -3.910657
ML2 7DP 24 0 55.778024 -3.909292
ML2 7DQ 1 0 55.781066 -3.914193
ML2 7DR 18 0 55.778234 -3.912523
ML2 7DS 10 0 55.777692 -3.910439
ML2 7DT 50 0 55.777743 -3.912323
ML2 7DU 3 0 55.777208 -3.914354
ML2 7DW 20 0 55.778403 -3.910363
ML2 7DX 36 0 55.778584 -3.913502
ML2 7DY 32 0 55.785347 -3.915168