all postcodes in ML2 / WISHAW

find any address or company within the ML2 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML2 7JT 36 0 55.782002 -3.922754
ML2 7JW 50 0 55.778703 -3.915926
ML2 7JX 58 0 55.781816 -3.920289
ML2 7JY 28 0 55.78155 -3.920069
ML2 7JZ 16 0 55.782492 -3.924166
ML2 7LA 44 0 55.784587 -3.922945
ML2 7LD 46 0 55.786487 -3.92272
ML2 7LE 51 0 55.786553 -3.923648
ML2 7LF 24 0 55.784899 -3.924843
ML2 7LG 36 0 55.784065 -3.926476
ML2 7LH 35 0 55.784788 -3.92388
ML2 7LJ 41 0 55.783821 -3.921935
ML2 7LL 31 0 55.784451 -3.920148
ML2 7LN 42 0 55.784082 -3.920783
ML2 7LR 11 1 55.775382 -3.917964
ML2 7LS 23 0 55.777356 -3.917566
ML2 7LT 26 0 55.777344 -3.918921
ML2 7LU 26 14 55.775316 -3.922186
ML2 7ND 29 1 55.775875 -3.923574
ML2 7NE 46 10 55.775832 -3.924592