all postcodes in ML3 / HAMILTON

find any address or company within the ML3 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
ML3 0BQ155.779484-4.044763
ML3 0BS055.780481-4.051816
ML3 0BT1255.780591-4.050917
ML3 0BU155.780562-4.053399
ML3 0BW055.781824-4.044348
ML3 0BX155.779123-4.050788
ML3 0BZ155.781112-4.053826
ML3 0DA055.779381-4.053113
ML3 0DD255.778842-4.053117
ML3 0DF655.781333-4.055485
ML3 0DG255.77991-4.045614
ML3 0DJ055.781723-4.038182
ML3 0DW3655.789402-4.054135
ML3 0DP155.779956-4.050975
ML3 0DQ055.781562-4.039242
ML3 0DR155.778721-4.051723
ML3 0DS055.782812-4.039228
ML3 0DX055.780877-4.040434
ML3 0DZ055.782131-4.039097
ML3 0EA155.791473-4.056637