all postcodes in ML3 / HAMILTON

find any address or company within the ML3 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML3 0HZ 0 55.779784 -4.045097
ML3 0JB 1 55.780129 -4.047587
ML3 0JG 0 55.785444 -4.060306
ML3 0JH 0 55.783729 -4.058573
ML3 0JJ 0 55.783315 -4.061278
ML3 0JL 0 55.783372 -4.062701
ML3 0JN 0 55.783366 -4.063099
ML3 0JP 0 55.783883 -4.05957
ML3 0JQ 1 55.78462 -4.058493
ML3 0JR 0 55.784352 -4.059467
ML3 0JS 0 55.784271 -4.061648
ML3 0JT 0 55.785161 -4.062173
ML3 0JU 1 55.782734 -4.058425
ML3 0JW 0 55.784035 -4.061269
ML3 0JX 0 55.783769 -4.063679
ML3 0JY 0 55.784794 -4.063701
ML3 0JZ 0 55.785541 -4.064155
ML3 0LA 0 55.785377 -4.062663
ML3 0LB 3 55.785528 -4.061698
ML3 0LE 0 55.786633 -4.064436