all postcodes in ML4 / BELLSHILL

find any address or company within the ML4 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML4 3BB 16 0 55.81364 -4.036355
ML4 3BD 16 0 55.814189 -4.036847
ML4 3BE 20 0 55.814506 -4.03506
ML4 3BF 9 8 55.833928 -4.034973
ML4 3BG 8 0 55.81506 -4.034147
ML4 3BH 22 0 55.815316 -4.033347
ML4 3BJ 16 0 55.814256 -4.032254
ML4 3BL 16 0 55.814741 -4.032279
ML4 3BN 16 0 55.814048 -4.033951
ML4 3BP 40 0 55.812818 -4.0366
ML4 3BQ 28 0 55.815302 -4.034766
ML4 3BS 16 0 55.813245 -4.035792
ML4 3BT 10 0 55.812005 -4.036286
ML4 3BU 4 0 55.811775 -4.035524
ML4 3BW 16 0 55.813816 -4.034401
ML4 3BX 50 0 55.812529 -4.033967
ML4 3BY 16 0 55.813207 -4.034274
ML4 3BZ 22 0 55.813935 -4.030992
ML4 3DA 2 0 55.820528 -4.030989
ML4 3DB 24 0 55.818547 -4.030881