all postcodes in ML5 / COATBRIDGE

find any address or company within the ML5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML5 3NT 10 0 55.861687 -4.012151
ML5 3NU 35 0 55.860745 -4.013684
ML5 3NW 22 0 55.862603 -4.01712
ML5 3NX 49 1 55.861365 -4.015905
ML5 3NY 64 0 55.86097 -4.018633
ML5 3NZ 64 0 55.86097 -4.018633
ML5 3PA 64 0 55.861412 -4.018528
ML5 3PD 64 0 55.861678 -4.020939
ML5 3PE 64 0 55.861678 -4.020939
ML5 3PF 64 0 55.861993 -4.020908
ML5 3PJ 13 0 55.857124 -4.018082
ML5 3PL 74 0 55.858282 -4.015969
ML5 3PN 59 0 55.85842 -4.017942
ML5 3PP 36 0 55.857159 -4.014281
ML5 3PQ 43 0 55.857749 -4.013896
ML5 3PR 40 0 55.857216 -4.012415
ML5 3PS 21 0 55.857621 -4.015152
ML5 3PT 25 0 55.857844 -4.016378
ML5 3PU 36 3 55.862218 -4.004987
ML5 3PW 62 0 55.863674 -4.003879