all postcodes in ML5 / COATBRIDGE

find any address or company within the ML5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML5 5DT 14 0 55.844269 -4.040081
ML5 5DX 13 0 55.848558 -4.047511
ML5 5DY 19 0 55.848298 -4.046954
ML5 5DZ 18 0 55.844592 -4.037942
ML5 5EA 12 6 55.848483 -4.032272
ML5 5EB 20 0 55.848975 -4.03159
ML5 5EE 17 0 55.848472 -4.035099
ML5 5EF 7 0 55.847711 -4.036827
ML5 5EG 35 0 55.848201 -4.035463
ML5 5EH 24 0 55.847303 -4.035384
ML5 5EJ 1 1 55.84773 -4.038937
ML5 5EP 16 0 55.846345 -4.043289
ML5 5EQ 10 0 55.847744 -4.035391
ML5 5ER 21 0 55.846185 -4.044287
ML5 5ES 23 0 55.846056 -4.045558
ML5 5ET 56 0 55.846908 -4.046721
ML5 5EU 6 1 55.84721 -4.047748
ML5 5EX 24 0 55.84732 -4.045752
ML5 5EY 1 1 55.842889 -4.034946
ML5 5FB 42 0 55.848325 -4.027914