all postcodes in ML5 / COATBRIDGE

find any address or company within the ML5 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML5 2DD 44 0 55.868859 -4.030199
ML5 2DE 42 0 55.869383 -4.029459
ML5 2DF 24 0 55.868911 -4.028156
ML5 2DG 8 0 55.867944 -4.029528
ML5 2DH 5 0 55.868639 -4.032633
ML5 2DJ 5 1 55.867728 -4.029548
ML5 2DN 2 1 55.867597 -4.025823
ML5 2DQ 4 0 55.868195 -4.030441
ML5 2DR 1 1 55.870119 -4.039871
ML5 2DX 3 3 55.87208 -4.035418
ML5 2DY 1 1 55.871606 -4.04208
ML5 2DZ 17 0 55.86855 -4.037439
ML5 2EA 9 0 55.868562 -4.036768
ML5 2EB 12 0 55.868319 -4.036771
ML5 2ED 12 0 55.867971 -4.037137
ML5 2EE 51 0 55.867809 -4.039334
ML5 2EF 3 1 55.868343 -4.011248
ML5 2EG 7 6 55.873104 -4.033266
ML5 2EH 5 0 55.87448 -4.068234
ML5 2EJ 8 8 55.869671 -4.014705