all postcodes in ML5 / COATBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML5 2PN 15 0 55.877171 -4.058913
ML5 2PP 42 0 55.875786 -4.050351
ML5 2PQ 5 0 55.877433 -4.053971
ML5 2PU 62 0 55.890076 -4.036248
ML5 2PW 42 0 55.875786 -4.050351
ML5 2PX 34 0 55.889783 -4.038232
ML5 2PY 19 0 55.890462 -4.037884
ML5 2PZ 24 0 55.890222 -4.038815
ML5 2QA 5 4 55.871768 -4.037448
ML5 2QB 6 0 55.909225 -4.039338
ML5 2QD 8 0 55.895222 -4.038085
ML5 2QE 21 2 55.900449 -4.028784
ML5 2QF 5 0 55.902287 -4.032025
ML5 2QG 3 0 55.907137 -4.035479
ML5 2QH 6 0 55.906989 -4.039221
ML5 2QJ 1 1 55.87331 -4.038743
ML5 2QL 1 0 55.901544 -4.051358
ML5 2QN 2 1 55.899467 -4.038682
ML5 2QP 30 0 55.911087 -4.04007
ML5 2QQ 19 0 55.910056 -4.039408