all postcodes in ML5 / COATBRIDGE

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML5 2FF 35 0 55.872716 -4.02845
ML5 2FN 0 55.873021 -4.031759
ML5 2FP 0 55.871094 -4.028717
ML5 2FQ 0 55.870901 -4.030918
ML5 3AA 25 25 55.861215 -4.028298
ML5 3BJ 16 14 55.861681 -4.024348
ML5 3AD 7 1 55.861206 -4.02777
ML5 3AE 19 13 55.862283 -4.027299
ML5 3AF 10 0 55.864659 -4.028222
ML5 3AG 23 19 55.859984 -4.016265
ML5 3AJ 12 9 55.862559 -4.028868
ML5 3AP 1 1 55.859703 -4.026003
ML5 3AQ 1 1 55.85989 -4.017602
ML5 3AR 1 1 55.860736 -4.022488
ML5 3AS 29 0 55.861702 -4.009019
ML5 3AU 20 6 55.863013 -4.02772
ML5 3AW 21 13 55.863073 -4.028176
ML5 3AX 11 0 55.863864 -4.027877
ML5 3AZ 24 0 55.864863 -4.028392
ML5 3BA 3 1 55.862669 -4.027628