all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 0AA 15 10 55.866948 -3.982025
ML6 0AG 1 1 55.866456 -3.98299
ML6 0AH 33 30 55.865851 -3.98183
ML6 0AN 3 3 55.865173 -3.982302
ML6 0AS 37 13 55.865845 -3.983892
ML6 0AT 1 1 55.866748 -3.98219
ML6 0AW 1 1 55.866653 -3.979692
ML6 0BA 41 8 55.865164 -3.986217
ML6 0BB 30 1 55.867796 -3.984066
ML6 0BD 35 2 55.864427 -3.990702
ML6 0BE 33 1 55.864518 -4.000583
ML6 0BG 7 0 55.864823 -3.995644
ML6 0BN 14 5 55.867424 -3.983727
ML6 0BP 12 0 55.867119 -3.985917
ML6 0BQ 13 0 55.866935 -3.987889
ML6 0BS 34 1 55.865983 -3.985619
ML6 0BT 29 0 55.866103 -3.98652
ML6 0BU 24 0 55.865508 -3.98665
ML6 0BW 32 0 55.867123 -3.985134
ML6 0BX 48 0 55.866202 -3.987085