all postcodes in ML8 / CARLUKE

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML8 4LF 0 55.726222 -3.830777
ML8 4LG 0 55.725138 -3.830536
ML8 4SD 4 0 55.716496 -3.779602
ML8 4SE 0 55.715633 -3.779626
ML8 4FB 0 55.735383 -3.838358
ML8 4FF 0 55.735069 -3.838917
ML8 4SF 23 0 55.723989 -3.814734
ML8 4SG 14 0 55.724653 -3.81416
ML8 4FA 0 55.730107 -3.835434
ML8 5AA 0 55.732949 -3.842634
ML8 5AB 2 55.733945 -3.843923
ML8 5AD 2 55.731936 -3.845405
ML8 5AE 0 55.733457 -3.848901
ML8 5AF 0 55.733641 -3.847365
ML8 5AG 0 55.733577 -3.846247
ML8 5AH 0 55.73148 -3.841657
ML8 5AJ 0 55.731353 -3.839978
ML8 5AL 1 55.72928 -3.8396
ML8 5AN 0 55.730141 -3.840463
ML8 5AP 0 55.729055 -3.845158