all postcodes in ML8 / CARLUKE

find any address or company within the ML8 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML8 5BS 0 55.738053 -3.843225
ML8 5BT 0 55.738054 -3.842556
ML8 5BU 0 55.738644 -3.8438
ML8 5BW 0 55.735971 -3.843668
ML8 5BX 0 55.73875 -3.842907
ML8 5BY 3 55.739615 -3.841546
ML8 5BZ 0 55.74142 -3.840452
ML8 5DA 0 55.741286 -3.838598
ML8 5DB 0 55.740968 -3.838233
ML8 5DD 0 55.73795 -3.847106
ML8 5DE 0 55.738224 -3.84739
ML8 5DF 0 55.732414 -3.850094
ML8 5DG 0 55.732769 -3.847387
ML8 5DH 1 55.738491 -3.836189
ML8 5DJ 0 55.739022 -3.834939
ML8 5DL 0 55.738115 -3.836123
ML8 5DN 0 55.73769 -3.836852
ML8 5DP 0 55.737779 -3.838752
ML8 5DQ 1 55.73305 -3.850251
ML8 5DR 2 55.738795 -3.838704