all postcodes in ML8 / CARLUKE

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML8 5HQ 0 55.744383 -3.901371
ML8 5HR 0 55.745001 -3.881677
ML8 5HS 0 55.745378 -3.881138
ML8 5HU 0 55.738799 -3.837223
ML8 5HW 1 55.734048 -3.891348
ML8 5HX 0 55.744353 -3.881136
ML8 5HY 0 55.747712 -3.883035
ML8 5HZ 0 55.747115 -3.882145
ML8 5JA 1 55.750523 -3.883791
ML8 5JD 0 55.748864 -3.887615
ML8 5JE 0 55.748647 -3.888895
ML8 5JF 0 55.74856 -3.884589
ML8 5JG 0 55.747899 -3.885497
ML8 5JH 0 55.751871 -3.884319
ML8 5JJ 0 55.752274 -3.882681
ML8 5JL 0 55.753309 -3.88144
ML8 5JN 0 55.753009 -3.881027
ML8 5JP 0 55.755475 -3.883186
ML8 5JQ 6 55.749337 -3.883129
ML8 5JR 0 55.755208 -3.883013