all postcodes in ML / Motherwell

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Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District

ML / Motherwell

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML1 1LZ 1 1 55.791479 -3.9902
ML1 1NA 30 25 55.792317 -3.988735
ML1 1ND 17 5 55.793136 -3.986663
ML1 1NE 12 0 55.79318 -3.986139
ML1 1NH 60 0 55.794035 -3.983311
ML1 1NJ 1 1 55.794136 -3.982957
ML1 1NN 57 0 55.794022 -3.981301
ML1 1NP 45 0 55.793805 -3.979184
ML1 1NQ 57 0 55.794035 -3.983311
ML1 1NR 9 1 55.793562 -3.976922
ML1 1NS 20 0 55.793501 -3.97853
ML1 1NT 9 0 55.793275 -3.979731
ML1 1NU 57 0 55.793098 -3.980632
ML1 1NW 60 0 55.794022 -3.981301
ML1 1NX 60 0 55.793098 -3.980632
ML1 1PA 1 1 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 1PD 1 1 55.793568 -3.994949
ML1 1PF 11 9 55.789076 -3.986504
ML1 1PJ 60 11 55.792494 -3.986359
ML1 1PN 45 23 55.791964 -3.987975