all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 1RJ 5 0 51.542844 -0.106267
N1 1RL 18 10 51.543573 -0.103511
N1 1RN 10 2 51.541622 -0.111928
N1 1RQ 58 25 51.542608 -0.10335
N1 1RR 1 1 51.543781 -0.103604
N1 1RU 81 24 51.545273 -0.103542
N1 1RW 1 1 51.545811 -0.103462
N1 1RY 1 1 51.545739 -0.103479
N1 1SA 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 1SB 2 0 51.545556 -0.104802
N1 1SD 19 8 51.545413 -0.103896
N1 1SE 1 1 51.545678 -0.104145
N1 1SG 36 0 51.543729 -0.104846
N1 1SH 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 1SJ 15 0 51.544572 -0.104162
N1 1SN 5 0 51.544762 -0.104041
N1 1SP 1 1 51.53905 -0.103385
N1 1SS 4 0 51.544748 -0.107241
N1 1ST 4 0 51.544831 -0.107367
N1 1SU 37 0 51.543143 -0.106428