all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 4LR 0 51.543236 -0.07784
N1 4LS 2 51.542911 -0.078316
N1 4NA 2 51.54811 -0.084457
N1 4NB 2 51.549825 -0.084876
N1 4NE 0 51.550853 -0.083924
N1 4NF 0 51.547046 -0.084271
N1 4NG 0 51.550058 -0.080801
N1 4NH 8 51.549221 -0.079232
N1 4NJ 6 51.548985 -0.079127
N1 4NL 0 51.54896 -0.079777
N1 4NN 0 51.548676 -0.079501
N1 4NT 0 51.54754 -0.080976
N1 4NU 0 51.54754 -0.080976
N1 4NW 0 51.547779 -0.082899
N1 4NX 3 51.547678 -0.081663
N1 4NZ 0 51.547817 -0.081412
N1 4PB 1 51.547278 -0.081434
N1 4PD 0 51.547028 -0.08319
N1 4PE 0 51.546944 -0.083554
N1 4PF 0 51.547179 -0.083616