all postcodes in N1 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N1 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N1 5EA 3 51.535813 -0.089141
N1 5EB 3 51.536122 -0.088839
N1 5EE 0 51.535806 -0.088204
N1 5EF 0 51.533198 -0.086525
N1 5EG 0 51.532846 -0.086468
N1 5EH 0 51.532902 -0.086033
N1 5EJ 0 51.532858 -0.085501
N1 5EP 0 51.533006 -0.08414
N1 5ER 0 51.540069 -0.077772
N1 5EU 0 51.533355 -0.087155
N1 5HJ 0 51.535658 -0.084605
N1 5HL 0 51.535369 -0.085093
N1 5HN 0 51.535034 -0.084949
N1 5HR 0 51.533326 -0.0828
N1 5HS 0 51.533487 -0.082187
N1 5HU 0 51.533531 -0.079907
N1 5HX 0 51.533167 -0.080788
N1 5HY 0 51.535185 -0.082102
N1 5HZ 1 51.533775 -0.079465
N1 5JA 0 51.534828 -0.082275