all postcodes in N10 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N10 2BP 36 0 51.595261 -0.141713
N10 2BS 52 0 51.595022 -0.140236
N10 2BT 41 0 51.596239 -0.139854
N10 2BU 58 1 51.597253 -0.140318
N10 2BX 14 0 51.594555 -0.140298
N10 2DB 32 0 51.596335 -0.144268
N10 2DD 35 1 51.596951 -0.143377
N10 2DE 9 0 51.597731 -0.143244
N10 2DF 6 0 51.598998 -0.139236
N10 2DG 37 0 51.598123 -0.140716
N10 2DH 47 0 51.599131 -0.141916
N10 2DJ 39 0 51.599122 -0.141339
N10 2DL 31 0 51.599163 -0.140543
N10 2DN 27 0 51.599164 -0.140009
N10 2DP 27 3 51.598729 -0.13867
N10 2DR 44 0 51.599873 -0.139922
N10 2DS 48 0 51.600165 -0.139679
N10 2DT 25 0 51.60035 -0.143383
N10 2DU 9 0 51.600014 -0.143729
N10 2EB 65 0 51.595036 -0.143412