all postcodes in N10 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N10 1BS 27 6 51.592574 -0.142978
N10 1BT 24 7 51.592919 -0.143195
N10 1BU 24 0 51.59347 -0.143331
N10 1BW 1 1 51.592502 -0.143558
N10 1BX 18 4 51.592802 -0.143748
N10 1BY 19 6 51.592149 -0.1434
N10 1DD 1 1 51.591352 -0.142999
N10 1DE 18 8 51.591596 -0.143104
N10 1DF 1 1 51.591377 -0.142305
N10 1DG 1 1 51.591696 -0.143201
N10 1DJ 44 20 51.591643 -0.142442
N10 1DN 41 9 51.591861 -0.143155
N10 1DQ 1 1 51.592194 -0.142849
N10 1DT 26 0 51.595524 -0.144735
N10 1DU 93 3 51.594563 -0.14424
N10 1DW 1 1 51.592194 -0.142849
N10 1DY 5 0 51.595823 -0.144867
N10 1EA 117 0 51.597223 -0.145257
N10 1EB 31 0 51.597778 -0.146188
N10 1ED 32 0 51.597674 -0.146466