all postcodes in N11 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N11 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N11 2DP 2 0 51.609546 -0.123745
N11 2DX 19 0 51.609629 -0.131421
N11 2DY 11 0 51.608888 -0.129516
N11 2EA 9 0 51.608649 -0.128616
N11 2EB 18 0 51.608422 -0.127705
N11 2ED 28 2 51.607985 -0.126968
N11 2EG 9 0 51.607 -0.125579
N11 2EH 20 0 51.606153 -0.126004
N11 2EJ 22 0 51.604916 -0.127976
N11 2EL 19 1 51.602457 -0.130532
N11 2EN 12 0 51.604594 -0.127483
N11 2EP 32 0 51.605593 -0.125868
N11 2EQ 8 0 51.606265 -0.124584
N11 2ES 10 4 51.607362 -0.124048
N11 2ET 6 2 51.607497 -0.124057
N11 2EU 36 8 51.607844 -0.125472
N11 2EX 40 0 51.607503 -0.124952
N11 2EZ 24 0 51.603276 -0.128909
N11 2HA 26 0 51.608055 -0.125738
N11 2HB 42 0 51.608225 -0.12628