all postcodes in N11 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
N11 2JW43051.603244-0.125171
N11 2JX6051.611481-0.128587
N11 2JY51051.61322-0.128226
N11 2LA50151.613071-0.127871
N11 2LB32051.612305-0.127816
N11 2LD30051.613422-0.126788
N11 2LE26051.613246-0.126477
N11 2LG39051.61204-0.127538
N11 2LH13051.611067-0.127968
N11 2LJ14051.610879-0.126723
N11 2LL28051.610748-0.127736
N11 2LN45051.611415-0.130626
N11 2LP7051.605255-0.123312
N11 2LQ8051.605333-0.125373
N11 2LR8051.605067-0.125009
N11 2LS8051.604908-0.124669
N11 2LT63051.609912-0.129445
N11 2LU32051.610992-0.133445
N11 2LW20051.605198-0.124758
N11 2LX12651.608876-0.134157