all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 7BP 5 2 51.615867 -0.2042
N12 7BS 6 0 51.61515 -0.203159
N12 7BT 6 0 51.615557 -0.202374
N12 7BU 11 0 51.616546 -0.197698
N12 7BX 18 0 51.617188 -0.197904
N12 7BY 11 0 51.616253 -0.195558
N12 7BZ 31 0 51.615337 -0.198006
N12 7DA 18 0 51.622426 -0.184767
N12 7DB 44 0 51.621874 -0.185699
N12 7DD 30 0 51.621696 -0.185273
N12 7DE 10 0 51.621051 -0.187133
N12 7DF 12 0 51.620925 -0.185968
N12 7DG 36 0 51.616934 -0.187803
N12 7DJ 2 0 51.616214 -0.18642
N12 7DL 5 0 51.616357 -0.187161
N12 7DN 34 2 51.616966 -0.186736
N12 7DP 63 1 51.618072 -0.187371
N12 7DQ 21 0 51.620828 -0.186651
N12 7DR 8 0 51.617461 -0.187608
N12 7DS 12 0 51.617703 -0.18757