all postcodes in N12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N12 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N12 9BG 49 0 51.614047 -0.160648
N12 9BL 8 0 51.61615 -0.174935
N12 9BN 1 0 51.616009 -0.176284
N12 9BS 9 0 51.615577 -0.176244
N12 9DA 51 8 51.615658 -0.174308
N12 9DE 22 2 51.616062 -0.175097
N12 9DG 12 0 51.616091 -0.174648
N12 9DH 58 0 51.616089 -0.172207
N12 9DJ 31 0 51.615276 -0.170796
N12 9DL 32 0 51.615265 -0.170117
N12 9DN 17 0 51.615644 -0.174598
N12 9DP 6 0 51.615581 -0.172502
N12 9DR 10 0 51.615292 -0.172369
N12 9DS 25 0 51.614924 -0.173034
N12 9DT 36 1 51.615082 -0.174501
N12 9DX 28 0 51.614708 -0.174747
N12 9DY 48 0 51.613056 -0.172012
N12 9DZ 6 0 51.614854 -0.173488
N12 9EA 21 0 51.614794 -0.172537
N12 9EB 36 0 51.61276 -0.172417