all postcodes in N14 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N14 5BJ 8 51.63205 -0.128231
N14 5BP 25 51.632633 -0.129612
N14 5BQ 1 51.633189 -0.131392
N14 5BU 17 51.641581 -0.130197
N14 5BW 1 51.632716 -0.129374
N14 5DB 1 51.6331 -0.130905
N14 5DE 0 51.633162 -0.134804
N14 5DG 0 51.631493 -0.1373
N14 5DH 0 51.630402 -0.139916
N14 5DJ 5 51.630928 -0.141947
N14 5DL 0 51.632055 -0.142467
N14 5DN 0 51.631999 -0.144637
N14 5DP 0 51.631307 -0.147483
N14 5DR 0 51.630961 -0.148942
N14 5DS 0 51.631683 -0.143956
N14 5DT 0 51.63153 -0.144526
N14 5DU 3 51.630873 -0.147584
N14 5DX 0 51.630578 -0.14251
N14 5DY 0 51.630039 -0.139729
N14 5EA 0 51.631314 -0.136787