all postcodes in N14 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N14 6HF 47 51.633528 -0.126711
N14 6HG 0 51.634313 -0.126317
N14 6HH 0 51.6351 -0.127181
N14 6HJ 0 51.635386 -0.125955
N14 6HN 0 51.635784 -0.122182
N14 6HP 0 51.636712 -0.120019
N14 6HR 0 51.637016 -0.120469
N14 6HS 1 51.637408 -0.121349
N14 6HT 0 51.636115 -0.122616
N14 6HU 0 51.635755 -0.12594
N14 6HW 0 51.635013 -0.124583
N14 6HX 1 51.635089 -0.127644
N14 6HY 0 51.634583 -0.128026
N14 6HZ 0 51.636052 -0.127662
N14 6JA 1 51.634182 -0.128089
N14 6JD 0 51.633779 -0.127813
N14 6JS 15 51.633367 -0.127689
N14 6JT 4 51.63286 -0.127493
N14 6LA 0 51.626366 -0.125345
N14 6LB 0 51.626322 -0.125997