all postcodes in N14 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N14 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N14 7BN 0 51.623099 -0.115092
N14 7BP 0 51.62051 -0.116803
N14 7BS 1 51.621415 -0.116043
N14 7BT 0 51.622886 -0.114653
N14 7BU 0 51.620742 -0.117255
N14 7BW 0 51.621089 -0.118137
N14 7BX 1 51.622462 -0.117401
N14 7BY 0 51.62255 -0.116718
N14 7DB 0 51.62361 -0.12397
N14 7DD 0 51.623987 -0.120516
N14 7DE 0 51.624728 -0.116801
N14 7DG 0 51.624438 -0.116669
N14 7DH 0 51.623754 -0.120006
N14 7DJ 22 51.622498 -0.123005
N14 7DN 0 51.621159 -0.122847
N14 7DP 0 51.621016 -0.124236
N14 7DQ 1 51.630585 -0.128292
N14 7DR 0 51.622154 -0.125099
N14 7DS 1 51.621908 -0.125514
N14 7DT 0 51.620733 -0.125678