all postcodes in N15 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N15 4QX 5 0 51.586402 -0.064171
N15 4GW 20 0 51.580603 -0.072049
N15 4UR 0 51.586243 -0.071031
N15 4WX 1 51.560816 -0.131288
N15 4QH 54 0 51.586058 -0.064139
N15 4RX 5 5 51.587581 -0.072393
N15 4BF 4 0 51.588368 -0.080512
N15 4ET 42 1 51.588626 -0.069949
N15 4FD 10 0 51.585305 -0.070728
N15 4FG 18 0 51.582958 -0.068673
N15 4FH 9 0 51.585541 -0.07812
N15 4FB 0 51.58516 -0.063026
N15 4FJ 0 51.588471 -0.068728
N15 4FL 11 0 51.588471 -0.068728
N15 4FN 0 51.586866 -0.073906
N15 4FP 0 51.587298 -0.07448
N15 4FS 4 0 51.587619 -0.077599
N15 4FT 9 0 51.585895 -0.069545
N15 4FR 29 0 51.587842 -0.063832
N15 4FA 0 51.586075 -0.078357