all postcodes in N15 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N15 4DS 56 0 51.585527 -0.066298
N15 4DT 24 0 51.584627 -0.06521
N15 4DU 24 0 51.584478 -0.06653
N15 4DW 43 6 51.584572 -0.067728
N15 4DX 41 0 51.585647 -0.065412
N15 4DY 60 0 51.587892 -0.068522
N15 4DZ 24 0 51.587909 -0.069532
N15 4EA 19 3 51.58807 -0.067287
N15 4EF 9 8 51.587426 -0.080119
N15 4EG 55 11 51.587118 -0.078862
N15 4EJ 5 0 51.588615 -0.079679
N15 4EL 20 0 51.588437 -0.079084
N15 4EN 9 0 51.588452 -0.080148
N15 4EY 2 0 51.586933 -0.080071
N15 4GZ 2 0 51.588302 -0.074138
N15 4HA 121 0 51.58644 -0.081276
N15 4HD 63 1 51.586457 -0.082271
N15 4HE 20 0 51.585535 -0.08271
N15 4HF 32 0 51.58653 -0.082903
N15 4HG 7 0 51.588044 -0.08272