all postcodes in N17 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N17 0JX 48 2 51.601605 -0.054843
N17 0JY 14 0 51.600671 -0.054955
N17 0JZ 6 0 51.601605 -0.054843
N17 0LA 7 0 51.602115 -0.066142
N17 0LB 12 0 51.602694 -0.05546
N17 0LD 21 0 51.601504 -0.063988
N17 0LG 7 0 51.601556 -0.063336
N17 0LL 32 2 51.598857 -0.066357
N17 0LN 22 0 51.598885 -0.066005
N17 0LP 18 0 51.599018 -0.064815
N17 0LR 69 0 51.599304 -0.063634
N17 0LS 3 0 51.599128 -0.062789
N17 0LT 4 0 51.599338 -0.062813
N17 0LU 69 0 51.600002 -0.062867
N17 0LX 26 1 51.600452 -0.063329
N17 0LY 25 0 51.600484 -0.062096
N17 0NA 60 0 51.599273 -0.061729
N17 0NB 17 0 51.599987 -0.06141
N17 0ND 39 0 51.601364 -0.061495
N17 0NE 33 0 51.601456 -0.061073